Bahamas Suite at Westgate Las Vegas
I’ve written before about the the opportunities we have to shoot at Westgate Las Vegas. In their continuing saga to remodel and photograph the myriad specialty suites which dot the massive hotel, we’ve recently photographed the Bahamas Suite, and had a lot of fun in the process. The fun didn’t come without its challenges. The evening we shot, the windows were filthy.. and shooting on the 32rd floor eliminates the option of a quick windexing. A little magic in post did the trick: hand carving the borders of those immense windows, we replaced the glare and dirt of the windows with the sparkling view from a neighboring balcony (this really is the view from outside.) Of course, we also added a little light in some dimly lit alcoves, and we’re pretty proud of the result. Below is a single exposure, unprocessed, to give you an idea of what we started out with.
Below are some more images that we delivered for this guestroom. We hope you like them!